Solo Female Backpacker in Europe

At some point in my early twenties, I decided that I would backpack through Europe. Now, having just graduated undergrad and currently making plans to go to vet school, I had no idea when I would actually accomplish that goal. Fast forward a few years and I’m sitting on my couch in St Kitts and I decided, as a break from studying, I would make a rough itinerary of where I would go on this imaginary trip. Well, it became a slight obsession, and I’ll sheepishly admit I had an entire Excel spreadsheet compiled of a two-month adventure through Europe. When I finally made it back stateside for my last year of vet school, I mustered up the guts and used my airline points to buy a round-trip ticket. The months leading up to the trip felt like a dream, and I didn’t actually believe it was happening until I stepped off the plane in London. I had traveled before, but never completely solo. It was exhilarating and scary all at the same time. I was finally a solo female backpacker in Europe, something I had read blogs upon blogs about, and was now actually doing it. And I had the best time!

solo female backpacker in europe

Solo Female Backpacker in Europe

I like to think that I’m fairly spontaneous, but in reality, I’m a planner at heart.   So for some semblance of security, I decided to use Busabout for my trip around Europe. They are an Australian company that has bus loops through most European countries and caters to the backpacker community. Basically, I decided which days I wanted to travel and hopped on the bus. I then used both Couchsurfing and hostels for accommodation on the cheap and to meet other people, so I wouldn’t be a complete isolated introvert my entire trip, ha. I never felt unsafe, but I also used common sense (aka I drank responsibly, was very observant, used a crossbody bag, picked my hosts carefully, etc). I never really even felt lonely, but then again, I’m an introvert!

I’ll go into detail in further posts, but here’s an overview of my solo itinerary through Europe in the summer of 2015.  It is definitely an experience I do not regret at all!

London, England (inbound)

Time Spent: 7 days london

Paris, France

Time Spent: 6 days

paris france

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Time Spent: 5 days


Berlin, Germany

Time Spent: 5 days


Dresden, Germany

Time Spent: 2 days dresden

Prague, Czech Republic

Time Spent: 4 days


Krakow, Poland

Time Spent: 5 days


Vienna, Austria

Time Spent: 5 days


Munich, Germany

Time Spent: 4 days


Paris, France (outbound)

Time Spent: 3 days

paris bridge

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