A Weekend in San Antonio

San Antonio has long been a city I’ve wanted to visit.  I learned all about the Alamo during Texas history classes in grade school, so it’s always been on my to-do list.  When I attended college in Corpus Christi, however, I never managed to go visit, even though the city was only 2 hours away.  So, having made it a goal to visit more Texas cities this year, I planned a Fourth of July trip with my fiancé to the South Texas city.  A weekend in San Antonio is plenty of time to hit the highlights, however there is so much to see in this charming city you will definitely want to return!

weekend in San Antonio

Best Bluebonnets in Texas

Are you really a Texan if you’ve never taken pictures with the bluebonnets?  Well, up until a few weeks ago, I never had, and I knew that needed to change!  As a child growing up in this great state, I learned all about its history (maybe even more than world history, eek) which included ingraining in my mind that the bluebonnet is our state flower.  And the bluebonnet pictures I see every spring on facebook have been a point of nostalgia.  So I set out on a mission to find the best bluebonnets in Texas this spring and found them in the small town of Ennis.  This is part of my Texas Series!

best bluebonnets in texas